Saturday 30 July 2016

Do It Now

That thing you just decided to do later? Do it now. Maybe not all of it, I get the time factor... But start it, maybe open the travel page on your internet browser, or in my case, get off the couch and grab your camera.

Both of these shots were taken after the thought "I will get that photo next time" popped into my head, but I ignored it and got up and took the photo.

That beautiful tree? It's gone. It was razed to the ground to make way for apartments. 

This night I was sitting on the couch reading Game of Thrones. The kitchen lights were out, but there's a lamp in the living room that was throwing quite a lot of light and the kitchen was quite bright. I didn't want to miss the photo, because it was pretty cute and so instead of getting my good camera and risking distracting Mosey, I used my iPhone, which made the shot. You see the iPhone doesn't pick up light very well and so it blacked out the background which gave me this result. Gold! The good camera would have bled all the light in and you would have seen the kitchen in the background.

Picture Brain

Last year a friend of mine asked which of the inter web app's I thought would win out in the end - you know, in the war between Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and all the rest.

I told him right off the bat, I thought it would be Instagram because people all seem to interact  more meaningfully with images than words (or they seem to on my Facebook feed - photos always get way more likes than plain sentences). Plus I argued that the young folk (ahem) conduct whole conversations using emoticons (well allegedly - the closest I have to actual experience of this is by texting my 21 year old cousin and well, trust me when I say the conversation is emoticon heavy) and if the kids are short cutting language in favour of images, then they are going to favour those kinds of apps.

I've been thinking more on this and I think our brains are wired better for images. I occasionally get powerful food cravings and the craving is always constructed by my brain flashing an image of whatever it wants into the middle of my thoughts... Like, I'll be sitting at my desk working away and a great big slice of Banoffee Pie will flash big and vivid into the front of my mind. I don't even eat Banoffee Pie (!) so those demands are not too hard to ignore, but when a crispy chilled glass of sav blanc appears with dewy condensation beading down the glass sides, it's a little more challenging... But you get my point? Our brain is designed to communicate with us through images - well I think...

Plus, if you look at how writing developed the world over, its all picture characters. Over time we have developed written words, but the pictures came first and maybe that is because they were more intuitive... 

Actually, thats all pretty interesting when you start looking at it don't you think? How the brain converts image to language... Wow, actually I think its really interesting! I should look into this more.

Love Like Laughter

Well, she's been patient with me, the idea for this page. The tiny spark that wanted me to make something of her has persisted and finally perhaps I've listened.

I had originally thought to make this blog a travel blog, only though, these days I don't really travel much. I still think of myself as a traveller, but the reality is, I'm pushing middle age and after a bunch of years of working extremely hard at trying to better my career, Im exhausted and in a life rut with almost zero adventure and life is well, a little meh at times... Know the feeling?

Gods, how did I get here? I let life get in the way... I let life get away.

I got to the point where I was thinking, what's the point? I was deeply unhappy and frankly, my thoughts are that we have one shot at this life. One.

A year ago I fell down an internet rabbit hole and I came across a photographer who had just birthed a child. She had a loopy hand written sign hanging above the cot. It said:

What will you do with your one wild and precious life?

Faark. Those words are both inspiring and terrifying all at once and they've bounced around inside my head like an echo ever since.

We have one chance. Lets make the most of it.

So this is my living project. I'm giving healthy and happy a good hard go and Im going to try very hard at discovering a sprinkle of joy and a slab of contentment.

If nothing else, it's a quiet place where I can practice my writing and photography, both of which are loves that I have placed on the shelf to gather dust these past few years.

And so we begin... 

Saturday 8 September 2012

Watch this space... I haven't quite figured out what life this one wants to take... So, she shall just sit here quietly for a while, until I find something just right... x